Tuesday, January 4, 2011

"O'Reilly's Rules" The 11 Commandments Of Telesales

Cold calling scripts/frameworks do work if they are well crafted and properly delivered. I know because I have done them for every industry from auto repair to enterprise solution sales.

I work with frameworks instead of scripts as they allow for a more organic dialog, but experience has taught me that a properly written well delivered intro is the difference between winning sales or asking:
"Do you want fries with that?"

"O'Reilly's Rules"

1. You must make your compelling statement within the first twenty seconds or you lose
2. You must be talking to power or have access to power.
3. You must make them feel the pain. No pain no sell
4. You must NEVER lie
5. You must take verbatim notes of client pains, (These will be your tools when overcoming objections) you can argue with me but not with your own words.
6. You must not educate your customer but you must engage them.
7. You must control the call
8. You must assume the close 3 times
9. Never disrespect your prospect if they cannot or will not buy we thank them for their time and tell them we will follow up in a few months.
10. Never get into a battle of wits the odds are you are out gunned, instead tell your prospect that while you are a salesperson you are surrounded by experts who can and will answer the question.
11. Use your support team! That's why they are there,

Depending on the product and cycle these can also help you set and measure metrics and do forcasting
If you are selling to a specific industry learn enough about that industry to know the players and how your particular product or service can help.

-Do No Harm.
-Always Add Value.

Your pal,


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