Thursday, January 6, 2011

Know Your Customer-The Straw Man

Or "How To Sell Girl scout cookies."

This is an old but valuable method that can save you time and frusttration when delivering your product/solution to market.
The straw man is a composite of who you want to sell to.
An amalgam of past customers, opportunities and pains. The path you took to win them and the lessons learned by losing them.
Properly executed your straw man can be the starting point out of which your sales process grows.
Start by imaging the straw man.
Who is he?
What are his pains?
How does your solution address those pains?

In previous posts we discussed the flow of pain throughout an organization and how pain is felt differently by different parts of the team.
The Business side and the technical team manifest pain differently, yet the root cause can be the the same.

Just as a band is dependent upon one another to deliver a professional performance, so too is the organization inter dependent to deliver a successful project.
Do your homework.
Know your straw-man.
Know your pain chain.
Now go sell me some cookies!

Your pal,

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