Sunday, September 19, 2010

Goal Statements and Action Plans-Part 1

Setting goals both personal and professional are crucial to successful sales and a successful life.
If you have no goals, you lack focus and while you may experience success at times, sustaining that success is not possible without a Goal statement, and an Action plan designed to help you achieve those goals.

There are numerous publications on the subject and I recommend that you try a few different approaches until you find what works best for you.
Goals are not goals until they are written down.
I cannot stress this enough.
Goals are not goals until they are written down.
So, let's get going Shall we?
I find hand written statements to be the best for a number of reasons. Human beings are tactile little critters. We need reenforcement and we need repetition.
So, get a pad of legal yellow, and at the top of the page write your name and ‘My Goal Statement.’
Next, I want you to set the pad down in front of you where you can see it and do some serious thinking.
We all have our own minds eye, a place that we go to visualize the world in our own unique way.
Close your eyes and go there now.
Picture your goal in your mind’s eye. Goals can be short or long term, but must be both tangible and realistically achievable.
“I’d like to be a billionaire in a month.” Is not a realistic goal. As Austin Powers would say “I’d like a toilet seat made of gold but it’s just not in the cards, baby”
So your goals must be realistically achievable.
A realistic goal also needs to have a target date for attainment.
You must write about your goal in the first person, It’s your goal Sparky.
Own it, know it and live it.
Start with something easy and gradually and incrementally raise the bar as you achieve your goals.
Many folks who are serious about this create three separate statements:
Short term goals
Midterm goals
Long term goals
A short-term goal might be something you want to attain this week or this month.
A midterm goal something to achieve this quarter.
A long term goal something to attain this year.

To be continued (or that's my goal anyway)

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