Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Why Are You Saying No When Yes Feels So Good??

Say it with me: Yes! Yes! Yes!

This is a great word full of promise, hope and joy.
We need to hear this word a lot as salespeople.

Yes means, hitting quota, yes means achieving professional goals and yes means personal satisfaction.

But as salepeople we do not hear yes as frequently as we'd like do we?
Telemarketing studies say we only hear it about 1-3 times every 100 people we connect with.
Wow, that's a lotta no!

So, how do we turn a no into a yes?
Well, it really depends on you and your alignment with your prospect. But you can make that big "Yes", the close easier when you enable little Yeses along the way.

How do we do this?
We ask for it.
Your sales presentation and your process are full of opportunity for your customer to say yes So help them say it.
Here is a sample of how we might achieve this:

Telephone call warm:

Hi_____(prospect) my name is Sean O'Reilly and I build teams, I have over 25 years of successful experience doing this and based on my review of your(product good, service) I'm convinced that I can add immediate value to your organization.
Do I sound like someone you could work with?"

Customeer: 'Yes."

Sean: "Great! let me ask you a few questions to learn a bit about you and the process you have in place now and then based on that information we can determine whether or not we are a fit, and forge a path forward, sound fair?"

Customer: "Yes!'

Sean: "Tell me about your existing process and the path you take to get there.
(This part cannot be scripted but it can and should be frameworked, ask this customer, REAL questions and then right the answers down verbatim.)

Now, if you have used your most valuable of sales tools your ears, you have just been armed with all you need to win this account.

Sean :"Let me make sure I understand you, (read back what your customer told you, emphasis on pain and your value add )

"Am I on the right track?"

Customer :" Yes"

Sean "Great, I believe I can help you and we can get your sales ramped up right away, Are you ready to light this candle?"

At this point this is your baby to lose, you want to wrap up now and get the appointment.

Always leave the party early.

Your job here is to engage, not to educate.

The best presentation ends when your potential customer is left wanting more.
(to be cont)

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