Tuesday, December 15, 2009

So, You Want To Sell Solutions? Part 2: "Tell them What You Do, Then Do What You Told Them."

Another common error start ups make is in over complicating the presentation of their solutions.

Software needs to be user, not developer driven.

You may have an architect or developer in mind for your solution, and as the creator, you are probably very technical.

But developers, and architects rarely write the checks.

You need to be sure that your solution is easy to understand and that your presentation addresses complex issues in an un complex manner that the non-technical business side can comprehend.

You get no points for your brilliance, the business side is not interested in how smart you are. Show them how you can add ROI and make their lives easier and you will win their confidence and ultimately their business.

Look for a real world issue that your solution addresses and show them how you solve it.

A good rule of thumb in demonstrating an IT solution is:

1. Tell them what you are going to do.

2. Do what you told them you would do.

3. Tell and show them what you have just done.

Developing IT solutions is a complex process requiring a keen understanding for your area of expertise, years of study, patience perseverance, dedication and insight. Presenting and then selling it needs to be as uncomplicated as you can possibly make it.

If you can articulate value and common sense propositions that your customer can easily grasp , you will succeed, if you are pedantic and condescending you will lose their interest and lose the sale.

(To be Continued)

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